Friday, November 5, 2010

OHBAT - Mohalla Tanzeem Darees


Maula padhaaro ! Maula padhaaro ! gushes deep from within a loving heart of each and every mumin of Kolkata.

During Ashara Ohbat 1431 H the mumineen of Kolkata under the 'kayada't of Janab Yunusbhai Saheb Zainuddin (DS) had achieved the seemingly impossible task of new Masjid construction in a record time. The pace of construction after Sehrullah 1430H the community participation in all aspects of the construction was at the breath taking pace. My earlier ASHRA 1431 OHBAT BLOG is a testimonial. URL

MAROL got the sharaf of Ashara Mubaraka 1431H. The Ashara Ohbat had done wonders to the community consciousness, it had given a focus, it had energized the community - it was a manifest victory.

Meanwhile, our community was blessed by new Amil saheb posting, and Janab Yusufbhai Saheb Mohyuddin (DS) and mua'vin Amil Saheb Musta'libhai Saheb took up residence in the newly constructed 'haveli' adjoining the new Masjid Complex.

Within days of the new posting, both the Janab Sahebs mobilized the community to take the next step with determination. The newly constructed Masjid is ready and now awaits MOULA.

Anjuman Board Meeting was held, a firm decisions were taken. Much progress has since been made, and recently two Darees were held one at Badri Hall and another at Burhani Hall by all the Tanzeem Mohallas.

Janab Yusufbhai Saheb (DS) in his bayan mubarak informed the gathering that 'mohabbat' of Aqa Moula (TUS) is deep in every mumin's heart, but he explained the meaning and significance of Aqida and Ikhlas.

If correct Aqida and Ikhlas are ingrained with mohabbat, than a mumin can achieve wonders, and needs no pursuance and convincing. While doing arz of Naraul Makam Saheb on behalf of Kolkata mumineen at Surat, Aqa Moula (TUS) inquired about the progress of new Masjid construction. On Janab Saheb submitting the report Aqa Moula (TUS) farmayu - 'mane kivare bolavo chho !' Aqa Moula (TUS) explicitly expressed his wish to bless us and our city.

Janab Yusufbhai Saheb dwelt in detail on the aspects of barakats emanating as and when Aqa Moula (TUS) decides to bless our city. We should not only think in terms of our personal benefits, that we may be fortunate to be blessed with, not only we but the entire populace of our city and our generations to come will receive the barakats. What we are set to achieve by this 'ohbat' is nothing ordinary, but very significant.

Thereafter Janab Musta'libhai Saheb (DS) led out a 'road map' in detail, as to what all needs to be done, and how best to achieve it, in the best way and shortest possible time. Each point was discussed threadbare, starting with 'niyat' - ta'bdudat amals' - fund generation etc:

An Arz in Hazarat Aliyah Imamiyah has already been made and Nazrul Makam saheb 'arz' has been done.

In his bayan he alluded to the futility on an engine (the power house by virtue of Raza mubarak of Aqa Moula TUS) pulling empty carriages. First the carriages have to be filled with the aspirations and firm purpose, not mere speculations and conjectures and futile discussions. Time and result oriented action is needed at every step, and only after all the detail parameters laid out are realized, then only another Jamaat level Arz will be made in Hazarat Aliyah Imamimyah.

On behalf of all the mumineen Tanzeem post holders assured Amil Saheb that they will make a concerted effort as per the hidaya't of Janab Yusufbhai Saheb and Janab Musta'libhai Saheb to work on the 'road map' within the given time frame and make MOULA PADHARO ! NOT A MERE WISH AND DREAM BUT A REALITY.

I appeal to all the readers of this blog to share their views, their aspirations, how best we can all work together, in what way you can contribute to make it a reality.

A most magnificent Masjid is a reality, on account of your dedication, singleness of purpose, your generous donations, now we want Aqa Moula (TUS) to bless our city and perform 'Iftetah' of the Masjid. Let us all become 'ekjan' let us all become focused, let us all fill the empty carriages with our a'la niyat, a'mals. Let all are efforts be time bound. The 'road map' is very specific, what is needed is our positive energy and correct perspective.

THE FIRST STEP : Submitting your niyat and your aspirations,in writing in any language - each individual mumineen. including children to your Mohalla Tanzeem Committee / Amil Saheb's office / Jamaat Office or email to :


You have already achieved the impossible - new Masjid construction within record time, just recall those days immediately after Sehrullah 1430H.

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